Stocker Arts Center
Arts & Entertainment
At Stocker Arts Center, art meets drama and drama meets life. As the cultural cornerstone of LCCC, we entertain, educate, excite and inspire a diverse cultural community, connecting people with performance, art and education.
1005 Abbe Rd N Elyria, OH 44035 Elyria, OH 44035

Studio Sessions
Date: March 24 & 25, 2023
Time: 8:00 pm
Location: Cirigliano Studio Theatre
Price: $20/each; $10/LCCC Students with valid ID, Youth 18 and under and Active Duty Military with valid ID
Alla Boara’s dynamic work aims to inspire audiences of all ethnic heritages to treasure their musical roots and consider historical songs’ contemporary cultural relevance. Alla Boara has received critical acclaim for its originality and accessibility and was recently featured in La Gazzetta Italiana, and predicted to have a bright future by Cleveland Magazine. They were also recently featured at the 43rd annual Tri-C Jazz Festival. Ancient Roots is a multimedia performance from Alla Boara that is accompanied by in-depth story telling. Woven seamlessly throughout the performance are snippets of Alan Lomax’s 1954 field recordings and an animated visual narration that utilizes actual photos from Alan Lomax’s journeys through the most rural parts of Italy. Along with the stories and history behind each of these songs, “Ancient Roots” follows the journey of Alan Lomax to bring the audience a deeper perspective on these ancient traditions and display how these songs show the common humanity within us all.
Alla Boara: Ancient Roots - Studio Sessions
Alla Boara: Ancient Roots - Studio Sessions
Mar 24 - Mar 25 · Stocker Arts Center

There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you?