Everyone Orchestra
Page · Musician/band

We're heading to Portugal! 🙌
We'd love for you to join our first 'EO Worldwide' journey! 🧳
A Musical Sojourn in Porto is an intimate gathering of 18 world-class musicians and 150 music lovers in the historic coastal city of Porto, Portugal happening October 9 to 15.
Enjoy six spectacular days of artistic collaborations along with surprising & delightful spontaneous musical moments in and around the city.
Our unique venues will include historic buildings and national monuments, a sunset boat cruise down the Douro River, one of the hottest jazz clubs in Portugal and other extraordinary locations.
We will build and expand our community – maximizing the potential for joy and connectedness – by creating cross-cultural musical experiences with our Portuguese musician friends in Porto.
Our home base for the week, The Hotel Mouco, is a playground for the music aficionado. The hotel houses a state of the art venue that will be home to multiple performances during the week.
We invite you to learn more about this soulful journey of musical discovery and exploration!

There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com