Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Religious Organization
Holy Trinity is an Episcopal church and welcomes you to come join us for Christian worship and fellowship.
1601 Raeford Rd Fayetteville, NC 28305

Middle Ground Arts Series Presents, November 4th, 2022

North Carolina's Michael Daughtry (michaeldaughtrymusic.com) belt outs original songs with positive, although powerful vibes of rock while still giving folk and pop a run for their money. His exceptional vocal range is showcased when he performs solo acoustic as well as with his band The Drift. Daughtry is an incredibly talented musician who has been acknowledged by some of the greats, including Luenell, Derek Trucks, John Ford Coley, and Dale Baker of Sixpence None the Richer. Daughtry has also had the opportunity to open for superstar acts like Jimmy Buffett and Edwin McCain.. He attended and graduated from the Berklee College of Music.
Airborn Aerial Fitness (airbornaerialfitness.com) features movement artists using silks -- in this case rigged to the rafters of Holy Trinity's nave -- to "dance" in the air several feet above the floor. For this event, artists work closely with Daughtry to create unified, collaborative pieces that focus on the theme of SPIRIT, an appropriate, almost ghostly, theme taken from the week's Halloween and All Soul's commemorations.
Contribute & Volunteer
Sponsors, project partners, and volunteers are needed to make these events a success. Contact (910) 484-2134 or admin@htechurch.org to inquire.
Middleground Arts Series
Since launching in November 2020, MAS has sought to mix the artistic expressions and forms of divergent communities and perspectives to create new, electric experiences in a middle ground between them. MAS began in the middle of the COVID pandemic with collaborative festivals, including the communal painting of a large triptych led by Kellie Perkins in November 2020, followed by events that included a jazz concert by Skip Walker & Friends, classical duets such as Duo-Cellists Paul and Diana Kirkpatrick and Darrin Thiriot with Scott Marosek, Kirtan Bliss Band, meditation events, a speaking presentation from Buddhist speaker Heiwa No Bushi, collaborative writing workshops led by UNCP Professor Laura Hakala, an Americana blues concert with Aaron Alderman, a piano and electronic music concert with Yaroslav Borisov, The Idea of Freedom festival centered on the exploration of light and the Middle Passage curated by Yolanda "Yogiiw2iis" Barnes and more. MAS moves into 2022 celebrating and space-making in the arts, creating moments of integration, connection, and community through the arts. Located in a common space -- the high ground of the Sandhills and Fayetteville's Historic Haymount district, the low country of Eastern North Carolina, the overlapping territories of the sacred, secular, and natural worlds -- MAS sits at the intersection of diverse artistic forms, political ideologies, and interests.
This project is supported by a Grant from the Arts Council of Fayetteville | Cumberland County, the North Carolina Arts Council, and, in part, by contributions from the City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, and other community partners.

There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com