The goal of our "Song Challenges" is to write songs/lyrics on demand within set parameters. We don't critique each other's songs in this thread (but you can say you like someone's song if you want to.) Please post your original works. If you have already written a song/lyric that fits within the parameters, please feel free to post it.

Weather affects our lives in many ways. In song writing, weather can set the scene or mood or even be a dramatic driving force in a story.

Here are the parameters: Write song or lyric that features weather in a significant way. It could be a vital part of the action or it could provide the mood. The weather condition should be either included in the chorus or in the verses but if it
is in the verses, it needs to be a significant factor in most of them. (At least two out of three.) It could be funny, sad, happy, whatever you want. Have fun and good luck to you!

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