Marc Barnette]

ASCAP, BMI, SESAC DON'T keep most of them registered or keep up with it. Or pay out on anything that doesn't generate enough traffic. That's a big part of the problem, they have to registered, and have to come from something that REPORTS them. The vast vast vast majority of songs get no views, no listens, no downloads, etc. Just because someone puts something OUT there, doesn't mean anyone pays for it.It's the equivilent of "back in the day" when someone would get a few spins of a record on some obscure college radio station in the middle of no where. There is just not enough activity to report. Same deal today.

So, it's not really an ASCAP mechanism, it's my publishers reporting my Internet plays? TV / film is different, because cue sheets are turned in with all the necessary info. Although, some production companies are lax with the cue sheets. I see some cue sheets being turned in a year or two after the airing. Interesting anyway, how the money comes to ASCAP, then to the writers and performers.

John smile