Looked to me JLS said they DO dictate the melody.

They would have to if somebody wrote a lyric and gave them to you to write music to it, just by looking at them it has to be.

My point was it works the opposite if the music/melody is written first and given to a lyricist to write lyrics. Again, the music would have to dictate if it came first.

Point was should somebody who deals in words dictate how music should be written? Rare people like Bernie Taupin could but he was a musician and singer.

Songs can and have been written many ways, but I think if looking for a great melody it's hard to do by following a lyric that's evenly metered with four lines, two lines for a pre chorus and four lines for the chorus.

How are you getting a unique melody and song that way?

Last edited by Fdemetrio; 08/03/20 09:17 PM.