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The Democrat Party - (The Afterbirth of a Nation)

         President Dwight D. Eisenhower said at the Fourth Annual Republican Women’s National Conference on 6 March, 1956, "If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power."

This bold statement, in the form of a meme, along with a dapper looking "Ike" has made it's rounds on social media.
The few attempts to "fact check" the meme has all but proven the statement and purveyor fully legit.

Now, if you've been paying attention to the "fact checker" phenomenon, you've noticed implicit bias, not so much in the content (which itself spins like "LeatherFace" on crack) but in the process of selecting which posts, memes, news... gets flagged or which President, Republican, Conservative, Trump supporter...gets the "fact check" rectal exam.

Again, if you've been paying attention, it's not just the Left fact checking the Right more often than not, but in almost every instance they specifically target the "inconvenient truths" reported by honest journalists about the Left and their corrupt, political ambitions and blatant abuse of power.

So why did "Ike" have to spread his cheeks for these fact checking salad tossers?
How is this bold, old and seemingly innocuous remark, uttered almost 70 years ago, a threat to the Democrat party? Or even to the established "deep state" oligarchs and RINO Republicans?

I'd argue that it's not only a threat to their greedy power grab and current "reset" plans, but it could actually reveal a truth that would completely destroy the Democrat Party and the deep state as well.

The "enemies" of our new Republic were there at the signing. Acrimony and rebellion still hung in the air immediately after the war, which was still rife with pro-english, pro-Authoritarian, pro-tories, out of work mercenaries, sailors, soldiers and various other rabble rousers, deserters, criminals, immigrants,....all staying far enough away from the post War reconstructionists and tory hunters, but who would, in time blend into the gaggle of post War New England.

Yet they were still eventually able to organize and seed an anti-Republic revolt, while attempting to quash this new experiment called, America. 

The birth of our nation was the birth of the Republican party!

WHAT THE...???

Now I am sure most of us were taught that the birth of the "Party of Emancipation," occured around 1857 with Lincoln.

I am hardly the first to suggest the former. And it would not surprise me, knowing what I know about the Democrats, to learn that they pushed that particular false genesis narrative to hide the fact that our "Republic" was created first, BY REPUBLICANS; Republicans who still hold the notion today that we're all equal, we're all free, we are sovereign individuals by divine decree.
Not only that, but that it's also "self evident" (i.e. "Frickin Obvious!"). 

Besides, it's in the historical record. J.Q. Adam's ran as a "New Republican" in 1824 and won against Jackson and his "Democratic Republicans," who soon dropped "Republicans," going with just "Democrats."

The Republican Party today (with a few, minor caveats), IS the same party as our flawed, yet determined, liberty seeking "founders" who WON their debates against the rabble (in 1773, 1775, 1776, 1778 and 1783) to become the chief arbiters and the PRIMARY STEWARDS of our Constitution. They were the leaders of the revolution, orators for colonial America and to the world at large. They were the eventual victors of the grand debate on how young America will govern its citizens, at least from the onset. Their plan was simple. Follow the constitution as its written. Period.

And what they created was arguably the best system of Government the world had ever seen or even thought possible, given that in 1776 all of the global powers in the world, with very few exceptions, engaged in the practice of slavery and/or indentured servitude. 

Emancipation was fiercely debated and many demanded it to be considered while drafting the Articles Of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, Bill Of Rights.... 

But this was "tabled" in order to assure safe passage of the primary tenets FIRST, without destroying everything that had been accomplished up to that point.

Yes, even back then those who would eventually align ideologically and morally with the Democrat Party, (the LOSERS of the debate) didn't want their slaves taken away. Not in 1865, nor did they want to give up their slaves 95 years before they were forced to do so, even though it was well before the cotton market explosion.

But in order to give birth to a nation "naturally" and not by a bloody, 18th century C-section, "anesthesia" was still needed to dull the senses of the anti-Independence, pro-Slavery, anti-Republic rabble just long enough to complete the lengthy, bloody and painful process of birthing a nation.
Of course the "anesthesia" would completely wear off in less than 90 years, creating the largest wound to our Republic since our brutal, yet glorious birth. But a new Republic was finally born after 9 years of labor and war. What remained of the "afterbirth" slithered away, only to be revived in less that 40 years, reinvigorated and still harboring a massive chip on it's shoulder.

Sometime before the 1824 election, this new, hungry, Jacksonian horde awoke from their anesthetized stupor, stark raving mad, yet reorganized, with a leader who was arguably the most vile, violent, philandering, slandering, scallywag that was ever called a "Democrat" leading the way.

It should also be of no surprise that today's "looney left" still refers to him as their "Father."

Yep, the father of today's Democrat Party, Lord Andrew Jackson, is their "Buddha" to our Washington or Lincoln or Reagan or yes, even Donald J Trump.
And sure, Andy was a "hero" in the Battle of New Orleans but he also executed several Militia members for alleged desertion without a trial. He had a short temper and was notoriously violent, even before the war of 1812, killing or wounding several men in a series of duels and fights as a young man. He hooked up with a married woman and married her while she was still legally married to the other guy. He was an adulterer throughout his life, cursed and ranted incessantly, lied repeatedly and drank heavily.

But because he lost the 1824 election, he and his band of raucous supporters, readied themselves for the 1828 election by concocting the most wicked of campaigns, replete with salacious lies, vile threats and unleashing intimidation tactics against the Adam's campaign and their supporters (sound familiar?).

In a crazy, ironic twist, one tawdry lie published in a local newspaper, involved a rumor that John Quincy Adams allegedly procured a bevy of Russian hookers for the Kremlin on a visit to St Petersburg during his first term as POTUS. (Sound familiar?) This was proven to be a lie!

The brutal, biased media campaign and political intimidation tactics used by Jackson and his cronies, however, proved too much for the "more intelligent, subdued, experienced, morally sound and conservative, Adam's" and the era of the Democrat party commenced its wicked ways in 1828. Roughly a year and a half later, the Indian Removal Act commenced, carving a trail of death and tears from Florida to Oklahoma, of not just Cherokee, but Choctaw, Creek, Chichasaw, Seminole and thousands of their African slaves, of which Andrew Jackson owned 14 on his Hermitage plantation.

But it appears all of Andrew's less than savory antics and harsh, corrupt and violent ways would become not just part of his legacy but deeply ingrained into the Democrat party's DNA.

He was their "hero." And not because he was moral, pious, educated and an upstanding soldier but because he WAS violent, WAS a cheat, WAS a drunk, he WAS a philanderer, an abusive slave owner, murderer, liar,.......and the first Democrat President of the U.S. of America.


They would not only praise his name as their "Father" and progenitor but it would appear they also emulated his bad, reckless and criminal behavior, and would do so unapologetically for the next 200 years.

From the birth of our nation, the morals, ideals, dreams, God inspired visions and beliefs that made up the Republican party platform has changed very little since 1776. And it's only fitting that we refer to the founding father's of our Republic as "Republicans," the perpetual defenders of the status quo (i.e. the U.S. Constitution).

Democrats on the other hand will swear both party's have been bouncing back and forth from party to party like a Hollywood star with a coke problem during "Oscar Week."

But nothing could be further from the truth. The convenient yet wholly laughable "Big Switch" con, dreamt up by leftist scholars, claim the Republican party suddenly became "woke" one day after a decade long pot party and allegedly hooked up with their leader, Richard Nixon who helped them switch party's.

(I am paraphrasing a fictitious "Tricky Dick" here and giving my impression on what a "Big Party switch" might sound like).....

Richard Nixon - 

"......Hey, I know.......let's trade party platforms with the Democrats and adopt their long, sordid, racist, violent, slave owning, lynch-loving, Native American hating, Jim Crow loving, cross-burning, anti semitic, inherently corrupt, sexually deviant history......and ADOPT IT AS OUR OWN!......
Whataya say boys?"!

There was NEVER a "Big Switch" where Repubs became Dem Dems and Dem Dems became Repubs. Never happened!
In fact, no more than 3 members of congress switched from the party of racist "Dixiecrats" into the Republican party during Nixons reign.


Senator Byrd was the most popular of the 3, being he was a former KKK member in South Carolina and was held in high regard by Democrats, especially the Clinton's and the Obama's.

On the other hand, the Democrat party since its menacing inception has changed it's stripes more times than the cast of the new "woke" "Lion King" movie, "The Lion Queen - "Why Am I Still Thor?"

But you can't really blame the left for wanting to offload their past shenanigans, projecting their violent, racist, political baggage onto unsuspecting, Conservatives, Christians and their Republican leaders. Not just to rid themselves of the obvious political dead weight of Slavery, Jim Crow, Lynching, assassinations....but to also inherit (steal) the glory of being the emancipators of the slaves, the thorn in Jim Crows craw and the white heroes of the Civil Rights movement.

The ONLY way for the Democrat party to survive its despicable beginnings and sordid history (and perhaps achieve the sole power they crave), would be to literally steal the identity of THE FIRST and most PRESTIGIOUS Party of these United States of America, the Republican Party. 

Or start all over from scratch. 

And they'd NEVER do that because the corruption is WORKING! Obfuscation is king! Project, project, project!!!!
And if your Republican opponents are too weak and feckless to break up this rogue party and arrest its conspirators, despite 200 years of criminal and political wretchedness, then you can slow down, take your time and methodically dissect your opponent, rewrite their history, destroy the reputation of the "Party of Emancipation" while claiming all of their best attributes for yourself.

Theft, obfuscation, corruption, dark money, projection, lies, political assassinations, Presidential assassinations, rewriting history, indoctrination, rhetoric, division, racial politics, post modernism, liberalism, progressivism, collectivism, moral relativism, socialism, leftist dogma infiltrating schools, media, hollywood, EU, UN, CIA, FBI, local municipalities, ads, professional sports, our music, movies, our culture.......Why wouldn't you think you could frame a sitting President with a fake hooker story? A fake impeachment trial? Why wouldn't you think you could steal the biggest election from the most powerful Man on the planet and get away with it? Over 200 years of Democrat party malfeasance, malevolence, murder, political scandals, money, power, sex, pedophilia, drugs.....
Why would they want to start all over with a clean moral slate when they can literally steal our party's identity and template and then effectively project 200 years of bad behavior, racism and malevolence onto US?

The Democrats owe their survival and indeed, their reemergence and successful 2020 power grab, not on tried and true conservative principles like that of an MLK, nor on Classic Liberal ideals like from a JFK; not on TRULY progressive ideals like those found in our Constitution and in our early Government, formed of, by and for the people....
not on their Christian beliefs, compassion, charity, empathy, inclusivity, or their support for jobs, law and order and equity in a free market economy, support for free speech, religion, press, assembly.....all those things they once championed, or claimed to have championed are now simply barriers to the permanent, authoritarian power they now seek. They see the Constitution as an impediment to gaining full and complete control of America, so much so they've asked the world to help them accomplish it. (i.e. Corporations, Big Tech, UN, China, EU, Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, Facebook, Twitter, lamestream media, Bankers,......

They ARE their "father's" children.

But today they are a whole lot worse. Of course they are. By hook or by crook. We allowed them to slowly erode the American experiment from within. We allowed the media and Hollywood to become the propaganda arm of their party. 

We elected weak Republicans who, even with majority power, failed to stop this political scourge from illegally wresting control and power away from the people. The very people who, as written in the constitution, are now the only check and balance left to arrest their power grab, since the other 3 branches that typically perform these "checks and balances" have utterly failed us.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it's this:

 The Democrat party was born out of those who LOST the first, great debates in our country's early history. Their ideals, ideas, radical plans for the new nation, lust for power, expansion of slavery, distain for the Republic and its chosen leaders,...all took a back seat to those whose ideals and ideas WON out with the herd to become "the law of the land."
And they've been pissed off ever since. (Sound familiar?)

The Republican Party ARE the "Founding Fathers" and our "Founding Father's" were OF the FIRST party. They were chosen to carry out the intricacies of birthing a nation and to see to it that we survived and thrived in this bold and unique experiment. WE were the "chosen" party to lead a young America into the 19th century as a strong, Democratic, Representative Republic. WE are Uncle Sam. WE are the Constitution. WE are the freedom, liberty and the future envisioned by our forefathers.
WE, above all other party's BIRTHED this nation and nurtured her through her early years. The Republicans fought against slavery from the onset, getting pushed into a corner until we'd had enough of their bigoted, violent push to expand THEIR wretched institution.

Over 300k Union patriots sacrificed their lives so that our nation could live free.....and that went for everyone! And decreed by only one, our God!

Today, the constitution hangs in the balance as the Republican party reels from a 4 year coup attempt, a handful of deep state RINOS aiming to sink the party from within and a blatantly fraudulent election.

The Democrat party, instead of helping to birth a nation, became instead the AFTERBIRTH. Discarded for their radical ways only to reemerge and become reanimated by perhaps the most despicable President whose ever disgraced our halls, Andrew Jackson.


Now those words from Dwight D Eisenhower loom bold and large as the Democrat Party, after the most fraudulent election in U.S. history have, in fine Andrew Jackson fashion, stolen the election of 2020 with no plans of giving it back.....ever.
Their 200 year history of being the worst, most malevolent political party ever and the bastard child of a maniacal "Father," has finally paid them the dividends they've always sought to achieve. 

Absolute Power!
Now, it's in their sights.

And we are soon to lose America if steps are not taken to call out and jail those who wish to end our American experiment and replace it with one that's failed multiple times.

Ben Franklin was onced asked if we had a monarchy or a Republic, he said,  "A Republic....if we can keep it."

I'd like to keep her. And as patriots we are responsible for the preservation of the Constitution. As Republicans we are her stewards.

The Democrats are attempting to destroy our Republic from within and they now have all the power to do just that.....

....but only if we let them keep it.

Michael W Brown

I'm not so sure about your take on the founding fathers and America's early history, but I do enjoy the sentiment lol...

It occurs to me that, before Lincoln and the establishment of the "Antislavery Republican Party" in 1854, our forefathers were happy to have a Democracy considering who they had to declare their independence from... in the name of God, no less smile
I guess you can call it an "op ed" that arose primarily from this meme of Ike that fell under the scrutiny of these brown shirt "fact checkers" (truth deniers).
My "research" was spotty but my point may get one to stop and think of the actual legitimacy of the Democrat party, given their long, LONG history of slavery, division, racism, antisemitism, Jim Crow......not to mention, a "stolen election" in 1828 which gave birth to the party.

Thanks for the read. I appreciate the critique.

Well, I wouldn't call it a critique... in the interest of defining "Constitutionality" for the ignorant "Woke" today, you're definitely speaking my language lol!

History is doomed to repeat itself because the Devil is so persistent... However, it's still important to keep history in context. You brought up a very valid point regarding slavery being "world wide and commonplace" at the time of America's founding. Most "hyphenated Americans of color today" actually believe that our founding fathers were the first to capitalize upon the slave trade in order to build this nation. Of course, that is entirely in keeping with the "Devil's" tendency to turn ignorance into profit lol.

Our forefathers, the writers of our Constitution, were full of high minded ideals regarding how a "free nation" should be governed, and rightly so! They fought hard for their own independence and freedom. Unfortunately, the only experience they had to draw from was the historical state of the world at that time. Adopting and delineating the Biblical ideals of freedom and equality in the Constitution, and actually putting them into practice were two completely different things entirely.

At this nation's founding there was agreement and unity of purpose, born out of necessity and war. We were Americans. The only conflict among our founders was one ideological and Constitutional matter of integrity... slavery.
To say that the USA began as both Democrat and Republican may be feasible in hindsight, but not quite accurate as evidenced by our very young nation's impending Civil War. You see, the issue of slavery evolved into a political contest which ultimately gave birth to the "Antislavery Republican Party".

Today, as the Devil would have it, the American Republican party is never given the full credit it deserves for leading the cause of civil rights, and establishing the standard for freedom and equal rights world wide. Instead, America is stigmatized by allegations of institutionalized racism and bigotry, propagated by the very racist and unconstitutional political faction that has always thrived upon ignorance and subjugation. To these Devil's I'm proud to say, my God fearing compatriots and I have never owned any slaves, our freedom has been hard fought and won, therefore we have nothing to be ashamed of!

On a side note... the political paradigm shift in the South was and still is very real, just ask the founders of the KKK. Here's a little known fact; They weren't just lynching newly freed slaves, they were hanging anyone who opposed the Democrat party in the decimated South during reconstruction all in the name of Democratic law and order after the war.
I dont agree, nor disagree, but I do know that when arguments for preservation of the constitution are made, they often leave out the constitution when convenient to get something else

It was a wonderful starting part and essential at the time, and has such basic truths in it that are still hard to ignore.

but it is 245 years later. The good stuff like all men are endowed with unalienable rights.....

Is it unconstitutional to build a wall? Was this a problem in 1775, and written "If Need be we shall build a wall, to keep people who are endowed with unalienable rights, from coming in"

Times change and people change, we didnt have the drug cartel problem then, but the document was written in 1776
So where is the clear cut info on this?

You could go back and forth whats in it, whats not in it, whats ok what isnt.
All good points FD... but, just like the Democrats, you're adopting a very "legalistic" point of view.

You must consider the "tyranny in the name of God" that America broke away from 250yrs ago. We are not a "nation of laws" as the Obama's would have you to believe; Tyrants love to write laws! No, the whole point of establishing a Representative Constitutional Republic was to safeguard the USA from the tyranny of law, especially in the name of God. The US Constitution is an ideal, a definition of liberty, freedom, and equal rights that we, as Americans, are supposed to unite and agree upon, and our laws are supposed to reflect and defend. This is the reason we separate church from state, and our supreme court or elected president do not write laws. Our representatives write laws and the supreme court decides if they are Constitutional.

The problem today is that law in the name of "minority interest" has indeed convoluted the Constitution. Neither law or the Constitution applies to everyone universally anymore. Political correctness has replaced morality and equality so the president is perfectly free to dictate as he pleases, especially if he has majority control of the senate. Today the US Supreme Court is a joke, Constitutionality is no longer a primary focus or concern.

As far as walls are concerned, the first and primary function of any named government is to protect its citizens and borders. That should tell you where our current administration's heads are at!
Well, ,Also have to consider that half the people who wrote the constitution were slave owners. How can you be writing about all men being created equal, when you own slaves. Many like Ben Franklin stood up against slavery.

The ideal is fine, its more rhetoric than legal. But it seems whenever people go down this constitutional road, its all about legal

Owning a gun is not an ideal, its a legal concept. Its basic, can I carry one or not, its not SHOULD i carry one.

Its all legal mixed in with rhetoric

The Dems are no better, I read something the other day that they are considering a third party..... yeah I think we might need 10 or 20 parties, with millions of people with different ideas.
Well, ,Also have to consider that half the people who wrote the constitution were slave owners. How can you be writing about all men being created equal, when you own slaves. Many like Ben Franklin stood up against slavery.
===You obviously didn't read Michael's enter post lol... Do you believe Franklin was a Republican?===

The ideal is fine, its more rhetoric than legal. But it seems whenever people go down this constitutional road, its all about legal
===The Constitution is rhetoric?!? What's in your Constitution...===

Owning a gun is not an ideal, its a legal concept. Its basic, can I carry one or not, its not SHOULD i carry one.
===Really? Patriot or Slave, take your pick!===

Its all legal mixed in with rhetoric
===I would say "Now you're getting the point" but I doubt it...===

The Dems are no better, I read something the other day that they are considering a third party..... yeah I think we might need 10 or 20 parties, with millions of people with different ideas.
===This coming from a man who thinks the Constitution is just rhetoric===

You're Canadian, right?
Nope not Canadian,

you answered nothing. Did I say Franklin was Republican?

I said it cause if he was able to know Slavery was wrong, so were the other people. Ignorant people helped write the constitution

Washington was a great leader and President who also owned slaves.

We were born under Christianity, but somehow I doubt Christ would approve of Slavery

Hypocrites abound even back then.

Your truths are yours only. Nowhere did I say the constitution was ALL rhetoric

Guns are not an ideal. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are. Which can be taken away by a gun

Im not anti gun, my dad owned several

Whole point was once the argument shifts, then people dont worry about the constitution, it only applies if they like whats being proposed

Same thing with Religion. "sell everything you own and come and follow me".... HE SAID THAT did you do it?
LOL! Now we're having some fun! Just so you know... I'm a big believer in agreeing to disagree FD. That's FREEDOM smile

Nope not Canadian,
===Well, I'm mostly Sicilian and Cherokee... but ALL American. How about you?===

you answered nothing. Did I say Franklin was Republican?
===Michael's premise, if I'm reading him correctly, is that the Republican party existed long before Lincoln. That aside, you probably don't realize that the premise of your question is actually making my point for me. Go back and read lol===

I said it cause if he was able to know Slavery was wrong, so were the other people. Ignorant people helped write the constitution
===Yeah' yeah', a bunch of ignorant goat herding slaves built the pyramids and wrote the Bible as well. What part of "slavery was commonplace"... and had been for thousands of years on this planet... at the time of America's birth... do you not understand?===

Washington was a great leader and President who also owned slaves.
===He also had wooden teeth... What's your point?===

We were born under Christianity, but somehow I doubt Christ would approve of Slavery
===After thousands of years of slavery on this planet, it only took America 75yrs to end it!===

Hypocrites abound even back then.
===Judge not, least ye be judged by the same measure===

Your truths are yours only. Nowhere did I say the constitution was ALL rhetoric
===""The ideal is fine, its more rhetoric than legal. But it seems whenever people go down this constitutional road, its all about legal""===

Guns are not an ideal. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are. Which can be taken away by a gun
===Your "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", along with your guns, can more easily be taken away by law===

Im not anti gun, my dad owned several
===My Dad and I are both combat vets, we own an arsenal lol===

Whole point was once the argument shifts, then people dont worry about the constitution, it only applies if they like whats being proposed
===Well, people who would disagree with guaranteed justice, freedom, "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are too stupid to be Americans anyway===

Same thing with Religion. "sell everything you own and come and follow me".... HE SAID THAT did you do it?
===Lol... read that passage again. I'm just a poor old soldier/carpenter, I've never owned enough to sell. I do consider myself quite charitable however smile ===
Michael? You there? smile
Hey Man, I see you are holding your own just fine and dont need my help but as far as I am concerned, it's not my debate...I made my point in my article

If I missed a question you've asked me, you may have to re ask.

Mike I went back and read your response again without the Hennessy and the "Snoop Dawg". Then FDM came in and you two were off so I stayed back.

I see the Democrat party as an existential threat now, seeing how they've gone to such lengths to hide their past and project it onto the right.

One need only read Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" to see slavery in its full context and to therefore understand what our founders were dealing with in the 17th and 18th centuries.
You've got to give credit where credit is due though. If the Dem dems are good at one thing its deceit and preying on the ignorant.
They've convinced enough people of the "big switch" even MSM believes it...or at least pedals its lies.

Yep, white Republicans are back in the cross hairs of the bigoted left, just like civil rights era violence against blacks and white Repubs.

But again, they've been able to fool the Blacks into joining the Dem Dems (leaving the party who freed them just 70 years before) by making them dependent on the system, suspicious of Republicans and by convincing them of a big party "switch", effectively becoming the "saviours" while branding us bigots.

Now I realize it was easier to flock to the new deal when you were black in 1934 just a few years after the market crashed. It hit Black America even harder. But the new deal was good...and bad.

LBJ's addendum to the New Deal however will have the "...n******" voting Democrat for the next 100 years."

So far, he's right unfortunately.

Well, surgery to remove my left kidney and any other cancer they find happening very soon.
Shoot me a prayer brother.
I too am a fellow soldier, 2A supporter and have many toys.


Yikes! Yeah', we should probably be careful not to get your blood pressure up lol...

Kick back, sip some Henney, smoke a blunt, and clean your guns smile

Semper Fi
Surgery a success. No more cancer for now.

Thanks JP
Oooh Raah! That's great news Michael, Congrats!

Ready for round 2 lol smile
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