I want to make clear before you read any further that we do not pay for your writing. What you get in return is this: free concert tickets, sometimes free CDs and if you are currently in some aspect of the entertainment industry we will give you a free bio, photo headshot and link to your website, all of which will appear at the bottom of your review.

What we are looking for: People who are currently professionally employed in some aspect of the music industry or had a strong background in the music industry previously. Secondly, you must have good writing skills and you will be asked to submit a sample.

Where: Orange County

For Who: One of the fastest growing and most respected entertainment online magazines today, Riveting Riffs Magazine, www.rivetingriffs.com We enjoy solid relationships with numerous labels and well connected publicists and management.
We currently have nineteen writers and three photographers on our staff, covering music, theatre, film and fashion.

What genres: Right now we have a need for writers to cover these genres in Seattle, jazz, pop and rock. Ideally, we will have one person cover jazz and one person split their time between rock and pop, but we might be flexible here.

Write to: editor@rivetingriffs.com and we will provide you with an overview of the magazine and our demographics.