A song is meant to be sung. Instrumental music is not a song either.
It's a musical composition.

Regarding learning music: We'll never know if we don't try.

The rest of this is for those who have tried but in the trying found out where their real strengths lie:

There are plenty of people who can play music but can't create an appealing melody.

There are people who can create appealing melodies who can't write a lyric that does the melody justice.

Lyric writers should learn something about music and understand the parameters that are needed to create workable melodies.

Composers who write melodies for songs should learn something about lyric writing so they understand those parameters as well.

Composers and lyricists should both learn something about singing so they understand the demands placed on the singer.

Learning something about music, lyric writing,and singing doesn't mean that they need to be able to play, write, or sing either. If they aren't "wired" for that sort of thing, it would just be an exercise in futility.

That was my PC version.

I am afraid to post my non-PC version.

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