Hmmm. Yes Ray, a lot has changed since then,
Most notably, the Union has less than no power now.
Total right to work state and almost no one is even in the Union any more, even though the president, Dave Pomeroy, is a friend of mine and a goodie guy. I was a member for about ten years and all I ever did was pay fines.

The town is on hypersonic change and most people don’t even recognize it from two or three years ago. Just like everything in life. But what is considered “country” is in the ear of the beholder.

Here is one I thought you’d enjoy.
Last year I did one of my “Songwriter tours” (day long private workshops) with three soon to graduate high school students. They were two girls and one guy from West Virginia and all considered themselves future stars.
I asked them all what they wanted their music to be and one of the girls said:
“Country. But not that old style traditional sounding stuff like Taylor Swift.”

“Old” is in the ear of the beholder.