Originally Posted by JAPOV
Now if we could just get rid of dams and let trout/salmon migrate naturally..... Make all packaging universally recyclable..... Allow small local farms to compete with government subsidized lands.... Do away with big cities and corporations, spread smaller more competitive businesses out so everyone can ride a bicycle to work.... Focus on national self sufficiency instead of international trade.... Build rockets to shoot all our nuclear waste into the sun.... And then terraform mars..... It would be utopia I tell ya', UTOPIA!!!!

Good ideas, especially about making farms back into small farms where we know that the food we are eating is not poisoning us. Mass production of food may be cheaper but certainly not safer. Soil is over fertilized, over sprayed for insects, weed and fungus to the point we are getting it in our food and making us sick. Not to mention what is injected into the animals and birds so that they produce more meat, eggs and milk to increase profit for these factory farms, but what is it doing to us who consume this stuff. Not to mention what is put into the processed foods to keep it from spoiling when it is shipped thousand of miles to market. Now they are coming up with "beyond" products to replace meat, chicken, fish and eggs. What will the chemicals they use to make this do to us down the road. Man fools around with nature, mainly to make more profit, and he creates more problems for the consumer that eats what they manufacture. Chemical fertilizer and sprays destroys the soil structure, kills earth worms and micro organisms in the soil so they have to add more and more fertilizer and poisons to get the same production and profit out of the soil. This kills the taste of the vegetables they produce so people hate to eat them in their natural state, so they process them and add taste through sugars and chemicals. It's a vicious cycle all so a few companies can get control of food production and make share holders rich. Makes us sick so we spend more on Doctors and drugs to cover up the symptoms of what unhealthy food does to us. No doubt we get the cheapest food in the world but we are paying dearly for it in the long run.

The more you taste the bitterness of defeat, the sweeter final victory will be

May the flowers of love forever bloom in your garden of life



